The Polish edition of Material fatigue is out!

Translated by Dorota Dobrew. Published in Wroclaw by Afera.

1. 12. 2023 Book launch, Moravia Wine bar, Wroclaw, 20:00.

2. 12. 2023 debate, Wrocławskie Targi Dobrych Książek, 14:00.

Material fatigue

Two brothers, the younger one 13 years of age, the older about 20, are fleeing from an unnamed country (one can imagine though it is Syria) that is suffering from war. They lost their home and family. With the help of professional traffickers they will be smuggled into Europe. Immediately at the start of their long journey they get separated. The younger brother, who stays without a name throughout the book and is called “the boy”, only has a small piece of paper with the name of a town somewhere in the north (of Germany – probably) where his older brother, Amir, is heading.

The book opens with the scene when the young boy climbs over the fence of a refugee camp somewhere in Europe. He has stayed in the camp for several months without seeing any changed for the better for him. Now he decides to flee, only carrying a rucksack with some clothes and a knife, and without any food. It is mid winter and he has to make his way through snow storms, fields, woods and hills. His aim is to get to this place in the north where he would join his older brother. In a series of alternating chapters we follow how both brothers fare on their separate journeys.